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Where is 7Eleven located?

7‑Eleven 7‑Eleven, Inc. is the premier name in the convenience-retailing industry. Based in Irving, Texas, 7‑Eleven operates, franchises and/or licenses more than 13,000 stores in the U.S. and Canada.

How do I contact 7-11?

Email us:[email protected] For Debt Investors Email us:[email protected] For Consumers Contact Us:Help Portal General questions and FAQs Find A Store Get The App Company About Us Who We Are 7&i Franchising Our Business Model Franchise Process Franchising for Veterans Careers Careers Sustainability People Planet

How many 7Eleven stores are there?

Food offerings are available in more than 450 of its stores, primarily under the proprietary Laredo Taco Company® brand. In January 2018, 7‑Eleven acquired 1,030 Stripes Stores. Learn More

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